In an effort to promote smart learning environment, 140 e-classrooms have been developed under the Jalandhar Smart City Smart Project to provide more convenient teaching and learning conditions for teachers and students.
Number of Schools:
Project Time Period :
18 Months
Mode of Implementation:
Deposit work to Dept. of School Education, Punjab
Project Cost (Cr.):
6.53 Cr
Implementing Agency:
Dept. of School Education, Punjab
Present Status:
Work completed
Features and Components
Smart E-classroom has been developed in 140 government schools in Jalandhar. These schools have been provided multimedia projectors, dry erasing writing boards, Microsoft PC, and public address (PA) speakers.
- About 22000 students from 140 Schools are getting benefits from E-Class rooms.
- Attendance of students enhanced and minimized the drop outs.
- E-Class has empowered the teachers to improve their teaching skills with latest innovation.
- Instructional and learning supplemental resources are made available online in multiple formats.
- E-class area plays an important role especially in the COVID-19 pandemic scenario.