Jalandhar city was selected in 2nd round to develop as smart city. In order to implement various projects under the mission, Jalandhar Smart City Limited (JSCL) has been formed as special purpose vehicle (SPV) under the Companies Act 2013 as per the directives of MoHUA, Govt. of India for executing SMART CITY MISSION (SCM) in Jalandhar. JSCL is led by the CEO Jalandhar Smart City and works closely with the Municipal Corporation of Jalandhar (MCJ) and other nodal department like Police, Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), Fire, PWD etc. with the objective to achieve success in the implementation of Smart City Proposal for Jalandhar city.
The work of the SPV is to approve projects, release funds as well as plan, design, implement and evaluate the projects through Project Management Consultants in line of Smart City Vision document.
Aim & Objective of JSCL
The city of Jalandhar aims to be the leading sports and manufacturing hub in Asia. This identity with sports is further extended to its citizens to make them active and healthy. The city aims to be inclusive by reinvigorating city spaces, promote sports by increasing sporting venues, encouraging training and education in sports. Further city wants to expand and diversify the manufacturing based economy and simultaneously transform from production to education, research and innovation at the same time, improve walk ability and public mobility.
The objective of JSCL is to promote the establishment and development of city of Jalandhar as a smart city that provides a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment by the application of Smart Solutions like ICCC, and citizen services including Public Information, grievance redressal, video crime monitoring, public transport and safety, water supply & sewerage management, ICT-based e-learning modules in schools, green space development (parks, area under flyover, area along canal), solid waste management, recycling and reduction of C & D Waste, energy management like establishment of energy efficient & Green Building, promoting use of renewable source of energy (Solar Panel), urban mobility services including smart parking, traffic management, integrated multi model transport system, water management services, GIS-based property tax management etc.